Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog Post #14

Problem: Seniority Distraction
Solution: This is the way it dictates the way schools operate. Albert Shanker wants the best for each student. He's using "knowledge base" and "formal set of peer relationship." He also wants to use "national teacher examination" to test the knowledge of each lawyer and doctor. Lastly, he would require "supervised internships of from one to three years" to evaluate the performance of prospective teachers.

Problem: Radical Change
Solution: Shanker wanted the teachers to have their own board to police profession. It is used to establish standards and providing mechanism for removing incompetent teachers. Teachers would also be subjected into merit based careers ladders and would be promoted based on speciality exams.

Problem: Pick from the best
Solution: Picking academic trained for prospective teachers, new way to change recruiting teachers, and change how to reward teachers.

http://teachers.netI have to say I agree with Seniority Distraction. It runs the school. They have a lot amount of time to work on things. Teachers have to work hard to get where they're today. It's not fair for others that are  just sitting there and not do anything about it.

Radical Change has come to play an important part. I feel like its judging the education majors, saying we can not do anything that put our minds to it. This problem will find a solution. Shanker would treat the teachers like an old fashioned factory.

I can absolutely agree with picking from the best. Nowadays it is hard to chose the right teacher for the job. Some people are only taking up the teaching major to have holidays, summers, and weekends off. I think that picking a teacher with a high GPA will work out much better. The school system will have the ability to see what the that person has instead of what they do on paper.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog Post #5 Part 2

 Leslie's SymbalooAt the beginning of the semester, I created a PLN. My favorite PLN is Symbaloo, right now it is set up as my homepage and it makes it so much easier to get to the websites I love. I've had a Twitter for awhile now. Since I've been in this class, a lot of Educational pages have been following me and its a great opportunity to see what's going on through their pages. Symbaloo is a great way to have your personal and business websites right there together.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

C4T #4 Gwen Pescatore

Mrs. Pescatore talks about the 4 tools to improve communication between home and school. She explains that sending newsletters home to the parents would no longer work anymore. She expresses that she likes communicating with online and mobile tools. Blogs to maintain students progress, Social Media to see what's happening, Remind one way tool to reach out to parents, and Class Dojo a two way tool that focuses on the social-emotional aspect of the school day.

Leslie Evans  

Hi Mrs. Pescatore,
My name is Leslie Evans. I am a student at the University of South Alabama and majoring in Elementary Education. I love this blog post. I was actually thinking about the social media to keep in touch with parents and remind them when their child's assignments are due or coming up. Thank you for sharing this post! I'll look back at this for future references.

Hi Mrs. Pescatore, 

C4K Summary April

This week I had to comment on Treasure's Blog Post. She is a 7th grade student in Mrs. Lombard's class in Oklahoma. She talked about her testimony whenever she was practicing for cheerleading tryouts, and almost broke her neck. She's thankful that God was by her side through it all.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Hi Treasure, 
God is always amazing! I’m glad you didn’t hurt yourself during tumbling practice. Just don’t over do yourself whenever you’re tumbling, Thanks for sharing!

This week I had to comment on Ira's Blog Post. She is a student in Mr. Gardner's class in Canada. She wrote a poem about a cat. She described what the cat does like meow and purring.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Hi Ira, 
Great blog post about cats. You described what cats do very well. Keep up the good work!

This week I had to comment on Keavon's Blog Post. He is a student in Ms. Thomas' class in Georges, MD. He talks about how he would like a lot of money and become famous one day.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Hi Keavon, 
Great blog post! Who doesn’t dream about becoming famous and have a lot of money. Keep up the great work!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Blog Post #13

Technology and Sign Language assignment is about learning sign language with technology. As you all know, sign language can be used as a second language. This assignment I would like the students to learn more about it and be put in their shoes. This is the only way for them to communicate for deaf and hard of hearing to understand. Technology can be used with this as well, but it seems like now technology is getting in the way with it. There are apps on the phones and tablets to start off as a beginner. Before downloading any sign language apps, read these articles.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

C4T #3 Jabiz Raisdana

Jabiz Raisdana spoke about how students should need to comprehend in reading doing it everyday with the book they're interested in. Also with writing, students use their critical thinking skills. Helping them use their thinkings more public. She uses these essentials to help them.

  1. Some Essentials:
    1. Be positive
    2. Build classroom Libraries
    3. Read everyday! Everyone- teachers and kids
    4. Confer with kids as often as possible
    5. Give choice. Choice. Choice.
      1. Don’t hand! Let them grab. Offer them three possibilities and let them choose books.
    6. Set goals.
  2. Build a school culture of reading
  3. Reading is the foundation for any writing program.
  4. Increasing stamina builds engagement (kids inhaling books), building complexity builds confidence= Independence.
  5. We Think in Narratives
  6. Persistence + Self-control + Curiosity+ Conscientiousness + Grit= Self-Confidence
  7. Try 6 word book summaries or Twitter reviews to get to the heart of thinking.
Leslie Evans PERMALINK
March 27, 2015
My name is Leslie Evans. I am currently a Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. I love your blog post. I agree on students need to comprehend reading by doing it everyday and choosing a book they’re interested in. I also love the whole writing in front of the students and make our thinkings public to them to help them practice more on their writing skills. Also, letting them use critical thinking skills. I found this blog post very interesting and helpful to me since I am pursuing my degree in Elementary Education. Thank you for sharing this post with us!
Jabiz Raisdana talks about how it felt great to be able to read and write without the use of technology. She's been on the cutting edge and in need of a break. She stated that it felt so long that she's being using social media that it seems like she forgot all about it.

Leslie Evans PERMALINK
April 12, 2015
I love this blog post. I feel the same exact way with technology today. I actually love to read books and try not to look on social media, but it always tempts me every single time. I also agree with Sarah Glenn. Technology shouldn’t rule our lives and we should be able to use it in the classrooms as well to interact with the students.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Project #14

I did a lesson on Kindergarten math with counting by ones and tens. Also, counting coins for snack time.
Lesson Plan
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Counting Coins Online

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Blog Post #11

After watching Back to the Future, I really enjoyed the information that was given. The hot air balloon project was a great way to approach the students with technology and learning the different areas they've come from. While working on the project, the students wrote a story about when they were a balloon. Technology is an active learning for students. Brian Cosby explained the possibilities which are: Collect, Collaborate, Motivate, Empower, Active, and Include. These possibilities can help their learning change each others lives. My favorite quote he said was, "A focus back on the future or consider other possibilities." this video, it went into great detail about about the Blended Learning Cycle. It's the power of the question and learning in the classroom. This cycle uses online, mobile, and classroom. There's also the 5 E's in the learning cycle which are: Engage, Expand, Evaluate, Explain, and Explore. Paul Anderson talks about QUIVERS.

Questions (Presented with data and explain it)
Investigation/Inquiry (Timing on projects)
Video (On any content using direct instructions)
Elaboration (A lot of reading and more understanding)
Review (Meeting with the students before moving on to the next part of the project)
Summary Quiz (Quiz on covered material)

In Making Thinking Visible, Ron Ritchhart talks about the importance of thinking. Using creative ways have a great deal with flexibility. He thinks students should have an opportunity to know more about the world's influences and looking from different perspectives. Richard also thinks that its about the culture on how the lesson gets taught to have a good supportive atmosphere.

In Super Digital Citizen, Sam Pane is teaching his 4th grade class on how to be a good digital citizen. The class is evaluating the websites they might be able to use in school. Digital citizens are held responsibly and react safely to things. The class project was to make a digital citizen super hero; this project gives the students more ownership. Sam also discusses about ELA Takeaways.

ELA Takeaways
1. Write narratives to develop imagined experiences or events.
2. Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contributes to text.
3. Ask and answer questions.

This video was about Project Based Learning. In the video, three teachers combine History, English, Information and Processing into PBL. PBL engages learners and have a deeper understanding. The use of technology today has been enhanced to be shared in different ways. Technology is also used as a tool that can come to life.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program shows how they use Project Based Learning in the school. These projects can help students gain more knowledge. It also helps them retain more information that's given than the teacher explaining it to them.

Project Based Learning is...
-In Dept Learning
-Integrated thematic instruction
-Based on a real world problem
-Project & Presentation

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?

http://marrshaleyedm310.blogspot.comMrs. Cassidy is a first grade teacher in Canada. She has been encouraging teachers around the world with her use of 21st century technology. In Little Kids...Big Potential, she shows us the use of technology her students do throughout the school year. The students enjoy learning these things in class. Technology they're using in class are blogs, webpage, wikis, video, Skype, and Nintendo DS.

In the first interview video, Cassidy 13 Part 1, Mrs. Cassidy talks about the five special computers students used. These computers did not have any programs that could be downloaded on to it. She also stated that she teaches her students what's appropriate to click on and what is not appropriate. With blogging, parents are very skeptical about the privacy controls on the schools computers. Parents think that its a good idea to see their child's progress throughout the year. The student's blog is used as a online portfolio. For teachers, she recommends they should make their own Personal Network Learning. Change will happen and technology is here to stay. Which means, they will have to keep up with what's happening in technology today.

In the second interview video, Cassidy 13 Part 2, talks about the use of technology in the classroom. The best way to use technology is something that you're most comfortable with. Mrs. Cassidy does not use any social media in her free time. She mentions about that social media is a great tool to use in the classroom. With social media, the best thing for elementary schools to use is Facebook. Teachers can use this to communicate and post homework assignments to remind their students on what's due.

In the final video, Cassidy 13 Part 3, talks about how fast the class will learn how to use the technology given in the classroom. It depends on the pace of how the class is progressing. She mentions thats blogs are not the problem with cheating, its a good way to collaborate by sharing with one another.

I love how Mrs. Cassidy approaches technology to elementary students. I see she's preparing them for the future ahead of time. By the time I teach, I know my students will have some of the basics of technology down packed. It will be a good way to start them up on technology on a intermediate stage.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

C4K Summary March

This week I had to comment on Cristal's Blog Post. She is a student in Mrs. Maslowski's class at Joliet West High School in Illinois. This week the class had to write about their experience when they attended Job Shadowing. Job Shadowing is actually similar to Career Day. Cristal describes that she wants to do cosmetology, but it doesn't make as much money as she thought.
Leslie Evans on said:

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Hi Cristal,
I never heard of Job Shadowing before. I actually wanted to do cosmetology before as well, but going into teaching has defined me. I agree with you that you need a good career that has good pay. Just keep finding something that interests you!

This week I had to comment on Andrew's Blog Post. He is a student in Mrs. Maslowski's class at Joliet West High School in Illinois. This week Andrew wrote about should religion be forced or picked by the children today. He thinks that the children should have a right to pick their religion instead of being forced by the parents.

Hi Andrew,
Your point of view on religion is really good. Great way to question about being forced or taught about the religion you’re suppose to grow up in. For resources, do a survey and go around and ask to see other people’s opinion about it.

This week I had to comment on Boston's Blog Post. He is a student in Mrs. Lombard's class in Oklahoma. This week Boston talked about a book he read called The Unwanteds. He went into great detail about the book, and recommends us to read it.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Hi Bosten, 
This book sounds interesting to read. You did a great job describing what the book is about. Keep up the good work!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post #9

When I first started taking this class, I had no clue what Project Based Learning was. Going through this week's assignment I have a full understanding of how much students learn from using it. What can teachers and students teach us about project based learning? Project Based Learning is a great way to have students interact and gain knowledge throughout their learning process. the Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning had a lot of great information I didn't know about PBL. Here are the seven essentials: Need to Know. This is the entry level of any PBL. What information do I actually need before I begin? Driving Question. Its suppose to give the student a sense of purpose and challenge. Student Voice and Choice. Letting students make their project that fits their personality. 21st century skill. Using technology, communicate, and have their own collaboration. Inquiry and Innovation. Using their own questions and using their research that leads to variety of answers. Feedback and Revision. Use rubrics to critique others work. Publicly presented product. The quality of the project that the students worry about and get to present it in front of an audience.

In the video Project Based Learning For Teachers, goes in great detail about about the standards. PBL has students working long extended hours to answer the driven questions that is given. We should think of PBL as Questioning, Investigating, Sharing, and Reflecting. The two main questions are:

-Common Core Standard is What?
-Project Based Learning is How?

In Wing Project: Crafting a Driving Question, teachers are trying to find a good way to do Project Based Learning with the students. They stated that a good driving sets up a question that students will be interested in. Teachers want to see how the project is going to work with the driven question that will need to produce the answers. Crafting the driving question, teachers will have to come up with difficult ideas, see what materials they will need, how it will act putting it together, and to modify it.

In Ten Sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration in Project Based Learning, there are a lot of amazing websites for PBL that can help with classroom collaboration. These sites provided will help student to student, student to teacher, and student to expert from communicating to collaborating with each other. This can help students gain more responsibility using these online tools. I've only used 2 out of 10 websites, which are, Google Docs and Microsoft Live. Using these tools, I find more ways to communicate more with my group and end up learning new things as well.

After watching What motivates students today, I love to see students that are encouraged and influenced by teachers. The way we have to motivate them is to always tell them how well they're doing in class, improve on grades, or to just do well in life. It looks like the students like to be rewarded more on their accomplishments. A good way to reward them is with snacks, brownie points, go outside to play for a little, and have a clip chart of improvements of behavior in the classroom. Those are the only way that we can actually motivate the students and have their undivided attention in the classroom.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Activity #4 C4T2 Mrs. Goerend

Summary of this blog post is about Mrs. Goerend switching up from an elementary teacher to a elective teacher. She provides more interest in the students in her classroom so she can have a special connection with all of them. She has a passion for teaching and enjoys it so much by impacting students in a positive way.

Hi Mrs. Goerend,
My name is Leslie Evans. I am a student at University of South Alabama taking EDM310. From reading your blog post, I can tell teaching has to be the most wonderful experience. Being able to build up interest with your students in a short timely manner, proves you love teaching these wonderful students. I love when the student brought you flowers to thank you for all the hard work you've done to teach her. A lot of teachers end up leaving a positive impact on a student. Also, I thought that it was a great idea to switch up from being a elementary teacher to an elective teacher. It's a good way to explore something different outside the elementary classroom.

She gave each student in the communication class a social media website and told them to use Wikipedia as a source. In the past, teachers always tell us not to use Wikipedia because its a bad source. She encouraged her students to use the information provided by Wikipedia. She said if you're not sure about it look it up on another website. Wikipedia is the source of information even though different people can edit it anytime.

Leslie EvansFebruary 17, 2015 at 3:32 PM

Mrs Goerend,
I enjoyed reading this blog post so much. Throughout the years being in public school, teachers always tell me never use Wikipedia because its a bad source. I disagree on that, but still continued use it anyways with researching. Yes it does get changed a lot, but I think it provides more information on the site than any other. I love the idea you gave to the students by letting them research a social media for the communication class. I will definitely use this example in the future whenever I have my own classroom. Thank you for share this post with us!

Blog Post #8 really enjoyed watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. His lecture had great amount of detail and inspirational messages. He was a Computer Science professor at the Carnegie University. Randy mentions that he has pancreatic cancer, which is why he decides to do the last lecture. He is also the co-founder of the Entertainment Technology Center and one of the developers of Alice. Alice is a novel way of teaching Computer Programming, and helping kids have fun learning something hard. With Computer Programming, I see he uses Project Based Learning for his students. He lets his students to do any idea with no guidelines whatsoever. Randy mentions how creative the students were when it was time to showcase their projects. He ask the audience "How can you achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others?" He talks about his childhood dreams, enabling dreams of others, and lesson learned. What makes it interesting is that he elaborated more about his dreams than just having that one particular dream. These dreams are similar to a wish list that he would like to accomplish within his lifetime here on earth. Throughout his lecture, he gives us amazing advice on the trials and tribulations that we go through everyday.
-Never give up
-Help others
-Loyalty is a two way street
-Get feedback loop and listen to it
-Focus on others, not yourself
-Be good at something
-Show gratitude
-Find the best in everybody
-Be prepared: "luck" preparation needs opportunity
-Don't complain, just work harder

What I've learned from Randy was to never give up on your dreams. If something doesn't go your way, push harder to achieve. My most favorite line in the video, "Its about how you live your life, lead life the right way or karma will come. Let the dream come to you." By letting the dream come to you, it will push you harder to make more accomplishments that will satisfy you in the future. Through the obstacles, the brick walls will let us show our dedication.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Project #7 Part B

My Parents

My Students

C4K Summary February

C4K #1 Brody

This week I had to comment on Brody's Blog Post. He is in Mrs. Smeby's class in Nebraska. In his blog post, he wrote about the story his teacher told the class about Ricky Bobby. Ricky Bobby is a dog, as indicated. Later the class had to illustrate that same dog Ricky Bobby.

Leslie Evans
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Brody, I love how you went into detail about the book and the video about Ricky Bobby. Also, you have awesome memory to remember everything that you experienced at the hangout. I see that the different assignments you do in class seems to be enjoyable for you. Keep up the good work!

C4K #2 Cassidy

This week I had to comment on Cassidy's Blog Post. She is a student in Mrs. Boylen's 8th grade class. In this post, she talked about International Dot Day. The dot meant to her was to leave our mark on the world. Challenge yourself to make a difference in the world today.

 Leslie Evans

Cassidy, I really enjoyed your blog post about International Dot Day. I've actually discover Dot Day in 2014 in my Arts for Elementary Teachers class. We actually made our own dot symbolizing who is involved in our world. I love the thought about how us people need to challenge ourselves to make a difference. Going in a different path can help benefit in the future.

C4K #3 Connor

This week I had to comment on  Connor's Blog Post. He is a student in Mrs. Leatherwood's Language Arts class. Connor talked about his wrestling match and hoping he makes the weight requirements.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Connor, I hope you did a fantastic job on the wrestling match this pass Sunday. I love how you didn’t give up on gaining your weight before the match. Keep up the good work and good luck on the wrestling tournament.

C4K #4 Andrea

This week I had to comment on Andrea's Blog Post . She is a student in Mrs. Maslowski's class in Illinois. This week she had her class pick any topic on the Black History Month Photo Challenge. The students had to pick a picture and write about why that person has influential for Black History Month. Andrea picked Rihanna as Influential Black Musician. She mentions that Rihanna inspires others with her good fame, as well as her accomplishments.

Hi Andrea,
I think Rihanna was a good choice for Black History Month. I love how she puts herself out there as a positive role model for others. Despite of her getting negative comments from fans across the world. She keeps her head on her shoulders and ignores them.

Blog Post #7

Coming into this class, I didn't expect that there would be a lot of technology going on. I believe that the more information I learn during this process becoming a teacher, the more I will start to understand the information provided. With the videos provided, this helped me knowledge more about why teachers are using technology in the classroom today. I will be able to use technology effectively in the classroom. With that, it can engage students more into the lesson that I will provide. iMovie, AVL, Padlet, and iPads are a great example of technology that is used to teach students different ways with Project Based Learning. In Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, I've learned that more kindergarteners use technology in the classrooms for education. After watching the video, it actually surprised me that the kindergarteners know more about technology than us college students. During the interview, Michelle mentions that the students would not stop editing their book trailer. It engages them to better their writing and reinforce their learning. It amazes me how the students learn so quickly with the use of technology using iPads and MacBooks. Alabama Virtual Library is another good way to engage students. It helps them learn how to do basic research. Elizabeth gave a good idea by giving the students a list of animals for them to look up. AVL is free to anyone and it will help students with the joy of researching. We All Become Learners talks more about Project Based Learning. Michelle stated that using the device of technology changes the dynamics of learning. Everybody becomes and learner and a teacher. Teachers are teaching students, students are teaching students, and students teaching us. Students are more readily than teachers. She also mentioned that her classroom is using Padlet to upload pictures. Michelle strongly recommends Personal Learning Network in classrooms today. Ipads in the Classroom was discussed with the Chicago Public School System. They believe that the benefits of the iPad excuse from really looking at teaching and learning. Using the iPads with the pictures provided, the students can zoom in, manipulate, and study it. In the video, one of the teachers stated that the use of technology takes the students on a virtual field trip. The school system thinks that using more technology will engage the students more, and it will actually make the classroom.

Top 10 Reasons to use Technology in Education

1. Students love it
2. Has 4 key component: active engagement, participating in groups, interacting and feedback, and connection to real world experts
3. Professional Development
4. Makes life easier for Teachers
5. Improves Test Scores
6. Helps students with Low Attention Spans
7. Learn from the Experts
8. Encourages Completion of Homework
9. Saves Money
10. Remove Obstacles

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Project #8 Book Trailer

Blog Post #6 all the videos provided with Anthony Capps has opened up my eyes even more about EDM 310. I'm glad Dr. Strange took the time out to interview with Anthony. Anthony's knowledge content with Problem Based Learning, he wanted his students to engage more fun in learning and providing students interest as well. It amazes me now that students learn a lot more than students back in the 90's, and also come home to their parents and explain to them about the topics/projects they generally learned that day in school. Dr. Strange videos provided different types of examples of what we actually need to do whenever we have our own classroom. I can see that there are many different ways to teach Project Based Learning, and it is an excellent way to engage students. Most projects won't turn out exactly how you want it, but it takes a lot of time and practice. It's always a good idea to have a back up plan as well. Whenever I was in third grade, we didn't have much engagement going on compared to classrooms in the 21st century. Anthony's projects are something that anyone can use in their classrooms. ICurio is also a good source he provided in the video. This can allow students to search safely for educational purposes and also has a storage capacity. Storage capacity can save what they've search and can come back to it and use it again. ICurio can help students start practicing how to organize their selves online. Ending this week 6 of assignments, I will definitely utilize the resources that we've already learned that are provided for us as future educators; as well as the upcoming assignments we are preparing for.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Project #3 Presentation

Blog Post #5

Personal Learning Network is a network that helps teachers and other people worldwide with different ideas to collaborate with others. Using the two PLN's that are provided have been interesting to use. I created both Symbaloo and Netvibes, and I personally like Symbaloo better. It keeps track with your personal and professional life. It is important to network with people that you can share your ideas with. I used Symbaloo to keep track with my social networks Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also, I added on different apps I use to keep myself organized with the variety of ways I can connect. My first addition to this site is Lifepulp. This site provides inspirational quotes to get you through the day in a positive way. Symballoo is an amazing site to stay organized with your favorite sites all in one. There are useful sites like Youtube, Tumblr, and Linkedin. As a teacher, there are all types of websites for us to network with one another that can provide resources for teaching.

Project #7 Part A

My Passion...

My Sentence...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog Post #4

"The reasons behind their questions often bowl me over with their sincerity, the fact that they really want to know the answers because its important to them, or they feel it would be important for others to know" (, 4th grade teacher, Chicago). With the sources provided, there are many ways how the questions are presented as well as the answers. We have to engage the students with attention to be able to retain knowledge. In Three Ways to Ask Better Questions in the Classroom, prepare questions, play with questions, and preserve good questions can help improve with the questions that we are asking our students. All of the articles presented expresses the right criteria of asking the right questions in the classroom. Using open ended question will also help students have higher level of thinking. The higher level of thinking will help them build the self-esteem of knowledge by answering the questions instead of saying yes or no. Before teaching, it is best to have certain questions prepared ahead of time. The effective questions have to be understandable for the student to be able to answer in the right way. Open ended questions should be utilized with different solutions to form the right questions by yielding more information.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Project #15 Search Engines


The search engine is quite different from the others. It is more private and anything you search for will be the first results found. I honestly did not like it as much cause it was to private for me.


The search engine was known as MSN until the name was changed. It helps support research by offering the different suggestions. It is most used for searching such as: celebrities, science, South America, and health. I tend to use this search engine to earn Bing points.


The search engine has higher content than others. It offers fewer results as well. I actually like this website because of the variety of information on education, how to, and beauty and lifestyle. I would really enjoy using it.


The search engine was the choice for most people until Google came along. The search tool had cross links that will be helpful. Search results are provided by Google and Yahoo. I honestly do not like this one since the information seems to differ.


The search engine is basically helpful for people who are beginners with the internet. I can say I use this website a lot with horoscopes, email, and news provided along with Yahoo.


This search engine provides examples with math, history, and data. It is actually the best way to find answers. I've never heard of this website until now, I will definitely use this for future references.


The search engine was actually named after Ask Jeeves. I use Ask to receive the questions and the answers that are helpful for any subject. This search engine is more competitive with the others today.


The search engine is a encyclopedia based site. This website should help people understand more about the computers around them. I can definitely use this site in the future to help with terms and resources.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Activity #4 C4T Mrs. Palmer

The summary for Mrs. Palmer's blog was letting the students understand the Common Core Standard. She wanted the students to break down each standard in groups to understand the deeper level of it. The students determined how the standard was broken down from the discussion questions being asked. After analyzing the content standards, the students put the feedback of information into a continuum rubric. The question being asked was "What am I supposed to be Learning?". The answer to that question is that we have to allow students to know their path and where they're going from there. It is important that they're learning other than just listening to the teacher talk.

Hi Mrs. Palmer, My name is Leslie Evans from Dr. Lomax’s EDM 310 class. I love how you let the students have hands on experience with the Common Core Standard. Using their own thoughts and explaining how to break the standard breaks down just from learning from you and the other teacher. This is a great blog post for the college students that are in process of becoming a teacher. It is also a good source for us and other people as well. Thank you for sharing this post with us!
With the 21st century, we have to make sure the students have knowledge of a clear idea. Mrs. Palmer explains about the use of the success criteria in lessons for the students. Helping them with learning on their own so they can have a clear idea about it. 

I agree with you on students should be able to have the clear idea about success. I love how you expressed the example of playing the game of basketball which students intend to do anything that they see that interests them. I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog Post #3

Peer editing is working with someone your own age with his/her writings; by using compliments, suggestions, and corrections. It is indeed important in today's society. This helps students build up more confidence than have insecurities about their writing by accepting responses from their age group. The best way to approach peer editing is by giving them positive compliments. This helps our peers feel good about their selves that will help them achieve more in the writing process.

The importance of peer editing is to push and encourage our peers with writing to improve. It is better to get feedback from your peers than a teacher. Receiving feedback from a peer should be nicely done instead of hurting the students feelings. At a young age, peer editing would teach them how to nicely edit their classmates work in a positive manner. The students should be able to evaluate on the details of the topic, spelling/grammar, and using the right sources with the content.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Blog Post #2

What would teaching be like in the 21st century?

1.) Professor Dancealot

After watching the Professor Dancealot video, I see that he was lacking teaching skills and impropor instructions. All aspects of teaching differs from where they're trained with different experiences. This was supposed to be a dance class where students should interact with one another. I really did not understand why he was behind the desk doing the dance moves instead of standing in the front of the class and demonstrate the technique of the dance styles.

2.) Teaching in the 21st Century

I. Resources that can be used anytime
A. What are resources are being used today

II. How to get students' attention by using these resources
A. Let the students explore the different sites provided

I agree with Mr. Roberts when said "Teachers are just filters now." Nowadays students have more free access to the internet and get more information. Since teachers now aren't the main source for the students. I feel like Mr. Roberts is more focused on the skills of the students today than the contents and the facts. By watching the video, it made myself realize that us educators need to be more aware of the different variety of new things that are arriving in the future to keep the students more interested.

3.) Networked Student

Why does the network student even need a teacher?
The networked student needs a teacher to help them guide through the problems he/she has to help develop their understandings. This video shows the different resources that can be used with the 21st century that can help students achieve in their professional studies. The educators should be able to help the students maintain an organized positive environment.

4.) Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

The thesis for Mrs. Davis video was to help encourage the teachers to use more technology in the classrooms with their students. The reaction to her argument with the teachers telling her that she needs to able to know about the different topics of technology before teaching. However, it is best for the students to learn more about the variety of technology on their own, and come tell her because she ends up learning something new everyday from her students.

5.) Who's Ahead in the Learning Race

I personally think that the elementary students are ahead of the race. Technology now in 2015 is more high advance than back in 2000. Elementary students are eager to get their hands on since they're being introduced to them in school or at home.

6.) Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the classroom is actually new to me. This concept is a great idea to approach in a elementary school system. It is useful for the teachers to let their class take home a video for them to watch and comprehend. The students can come back to class and be challenged with questions the teacher might ask.

7.) Bringing the Locker Room into the Classroom

With this article, I found that the different sports can be used as examples with the classwork. This will help the students engage with more interest in the classwork and get along with the students amongst the class. Coaching in the classroom is an amazing idea for different ways of teaching methods.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog Post #1

When I first came to South, I heard a lot of negative comments about EDM 310. I've heard from my advisor that Dr. Strange would make other people cry and that he's really hard to take. My fears/thoughts with this course were going to be the death of me. I thought I wouldn't pass and possibly have a hard time. EDM 310 is different than the Microcomputer class I took at Faulkner my freshman year. Since it is 2015, this class is more high def on technology by using MacBooks. The most difficult aspect that I could possibly have is the projects dealing with iMovie as well as uploading a video to YouTube. The best way for me to address to this aspect is by practicing talking in front of the camera more often to help myself feel more comfortable about it. I saw this picture on Google when I typed in "Blog Pictures" and this picture pops up. This is basically describing almost everything what would go on in this class.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Practice Blog Post 1

I. About myself

A. Name/age
B. Major in education/minor in dance
C. Mobile, Al
D. Hearing impaired/premature birth
E. Family
F. Hobbies
G. Major in pursuing with deaf studies

II. Educational Approaches

A. Attending USA
B. Why I picked education
C. Feelings about teaching

Hello! My name is Leslie Evans and I'm 20 years old. I am a junior at the University of South Alabama pursuing as a education major as well as a dance minor. I was born here in Mobile, Al. When I was born, my mom ended up having a premature birth. With me being premature, it caused my auditory nerve to not develop all the way in my right ear. My family is the biggest motivation ever. Along with my mom and dad, my mom pushes me to do the best I can even when I'm struggling. My hobbies involved reading and dance. I just love to sit down whenever I have nothing to do and read book that interests me. Second is dance, I'd started dancing at the age of nine at church. As I progressed, I was on the dance team at Baker High School for three years and Faulkner State Community College for two years. Since I am a education major, I plan on pursuing Deaf Studies to be able to teach at the Regional for the Deaf and Blind here in Mobile, Al. I feel like since I have the same disability as them, it would make me feel comfortable to be able to teach kids that are the same as me.

The reason why I attended University of South Alabama was to be close to my family and boyfriend as possible. Also, I have a one year old niece I help my sister out with as well. The reason why I picked education is because my grandma used to be a Elementary Education teacher. She went to three different colleges at the same time to finish with her degree. She also would drive to Sunflower, Al to teach until some teaching positions opened up here in Mobile, Al. She later took a position at Dodge Elementary and retired. My grandmother served 35 years of teaching, and that inspires me today to become a teacher just like her. My feelings about teaching are all over the place. I'm excited, nervous, and anxious about how the first day will be in your own classroom. I am getting closer and closer to follow my dreams as a elementary teacher. It is a great feeling to have your own classroom of kids that will look up you. Being a teacher has to be the most wonderful thing.