Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blog Post #8 really enjoyed watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. His lecture had great amount of detail and inspirational messages. He was a Computer Science professor at the Carnegie University. Randy mentions that he has pancreatic cancer, which is why he decides to do the last lecture. He is also the co-founder of the Entertainment Technology Center and one of the developers of Alice. Alice is a novel way of teaching Computer Programming, and helping kids have fun learning something hard. With Computer Programming, I see he uses Project Based Learning for his students. He lets his students to do any idea with no guidelines whatsoever. Randy mentions how creative the students were when it was time to showcase their projects. He ask the audience "How can you achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others?" He talks about his childhood dreams, enabling dreams of others, and lesson learned. What makes it interesting is that he elaborated more about his dreams than just having that one particular dream. These dreams are similar to a wish list that he would like to accomplish within his lifetime here on earth. Throughout his lecture, he gives us amazing advice on the trials and tribulations that we go through everyday.
-Never give up
-Help others
-Loyalty is a two way street
-Get feedback loop and listen to it
-Focus on others, not yourself
-Be good at something
-Show gratitude
-Find the best in everybody
-Be prepared: "luck" preparation needs opportunity
-Don't complain, just work harder

What I've learned from Randy was to never give up on your dreams. If something doesn't go your way, push harder to achieve. My most favorite line in the video, "Its about how you live your life, lead life the right way or karma will come. Let the dream come to you." By letting the dream come to you, it will push you harder to make more accomplishments that will satisfy you in the future. Through the obstacles, the brick walls will let us show our dedication.


  1. Hi Leslie, great post. I like all of your points you picked out of Mr. Randy's video, I had very similar points in my post. Great job i look forward to reading more of your post.

  2. The the driving question is, what can we learn from him about TEACHING.
