Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?

http://marrshaleyedm310.blogspot.comMrs. Cassidy is a first grade teacher in Canada. She has been encouraging teachers around the world with her use of 21st century technology. In Little Kids...Big Potential, she shows us the use of technology her students do throughout the school year. The students enjoy learning these things in class. Technology they're using in class are blogs, webpage, wikis, video, Skype, and Nintendo DS.

In the first interview video, Cassidy 13 Part 1, Mrs. Cassidy talks about the five special computers students used. These computers did not have any programs that could be downloaded on to it. She also stated that she teaches her students what's appropriate to click on and what is not appropriate. With blogging, parents are very skeptical about the privacy controls on the schools computers. Parents think that its a good idea to see their child's progress throughout the year. The student's blog is used as a online portfolio. For teachers, she recommends they should make their own Personal Network Learning. Change will happen and technology is here to stay. Which means, they will have to keep up with what's happening in technology today.

In the second interview video, Cassidy 13 Part 2, talks about the use of technology in the classroom. The best way to use technology is something that you're most comfortable with. Mrs. Cassidy does not use any social media in her free time. She mentions about that social media is a great tool to use in the classroom. With social media, the best thing for elementary schools to use is Facebook. Teachers can use this to communicate and post homework assignments to remind their students on what's due.

In the final video, Cassidy 13 Part 3, talks about how fast the class will learn how to use the technology given in the classroom. It depends on the pace of how the class is progressing. She mentions thats blogs are not the problem with cheating, its a good way to collaborate by sharing with one another.

I love how Mrs. Cassidy approaches technology to elementary students. I see she's preparing them for the future ahead of time. By the time I teach, I know my students will have some of the basics of technology down packed. It will be a good way to start them up on technology on a intermediate stage.


  1. Hi Leslie!
    As we become educators, our students will more than likely be more technologically literate than most of us. I feel incorporating technology is going to be an important aspect of the teaching world in just a few short years. I also loved Mrs. Cassidy's approach to use technology in her classroom.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Remember that each picture is required to have alt and title modifiers!
