This week I had to comment on Brody's Blog Post. He is in Mrs. Smeby's class in Nebraska. In his blog post, he wrote about the story his teacher told the class about Ricky Bobby. Ricky Bobby is a dog, as indicated. Later the class had to illustrate that same dog Ricky Bobby.
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Brody, I love how you went into detail about the book and the video about Ricky Bobby. Also, you have awesome memory to remember everything that you experienced at the hangout. I see that the different assignments you do in class seems to be enjoyable for you. Keep up the good work!
C4K #2 Cassidy
This week I had to comment on Cassidy's Blog Post. She is a student in Mrs. Boylen's 8th grade class. In this post, she talked about International Dot Day. The dot meant to her was to leave our mark on the world. Challenge yourself to make a difference in the world today.
C4K #3 Connor
This week I had to comment on Connor's Blog Post. He is a student in Mrs. Leatherwood's Language Arts class. Connor talked about his wrestling match and hoping he makes the weight requirements.
Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Connor, I hope you did a fantastic job on the wrestling match this pass Sunday. I love how you didn’t give up on gaining your weight before the match. Keep up the good work and good luck on the wrestling tournament.
C4K #4 Andrea
This week I had to comment on Andrea's Blog Post . She is a student in Mrs. Maslowski's class in Illinois. This week she had her class pick any topic on the Black History Month Photo Challenge. The students had to pick a picture and write about why that person has influential for Black History Month. Andrea picked Rihanna as Influential Black Musician. She mentions that Rihanna inspires others with her good fame, as well as her accomplishments.
Hi Andrea,
I think Rihanna was a good choice for Black History Month. I love how she puts herself out there as a positive role model for others. Despite of her getting negative comments from fans across the world. She keeps her head on her shoulders and ignores them.
I think Rihanna was a good choice for Black History Month. I love how she puts herself out there as a positive role model for others. Despite of her getting negative comments from fans across the world. She keeps her head on her shoulders and ignores them.