Friday, February 27, 2015

Project #7 Part B

My Parents

My Students

C4K Summary February

C4K #1 Brody

This week I had to comment on Brody's Blog Post. He is in Mrs. Smeby's class in Nebraska. In his blog post, he wrote about the story his teacher told the class about Ricky Bobby. Ricky Bobby is a dog, as indicated. Later the class had to illustrate that same dog Ricky Bobby.

Leslie Evans
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Brody, I love how you went into detail about the book and the video about Ricky Bobby. Also, you have awesome memory to remember everything that you experienced at the hangout. I see that the different assignments you do in class seems to be enjoyable for you. Keep up the good work!

C4K #2 Cassidy

This week I had to comment on Cassidy's Blog Post. She is a student in Mrs. Boylen's 8th grade class. In this post, she talked about International Dot Day. The dot meant to her was to leave our mark on the world. Challenge yourself to make a difference in the world today.

 Leslie Evans

Cassidy, I really enjoyed your blog post about International Dot Day. I've actually discover Dot Day in 2014 in my Arts for Elementary Teachers class. We actually made our own dot symbolizing who is involved in our world. I love the thought about how us people need to challenge ourselves to make a difference. Going in a different path can help benefit in the future.

C4K #3 Connor

This week I had to comment on  Connor's Blog Post. He is a student in Mrs. Leatherwood's Language Arts class. Connor talked about his wrestling match and hoping he makes the weight requirements.

Leslie Evans (Guest)
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Connor, I hope you did a fantastic job on the wrestling match this pass Sunday. I love how you didn’t give up on gaining your weight before the match. Keep up the good work and good luck on the wrestling tournament.

C4K #4 Andrea

This week I had to comment on Andrea's Blog Post . She is a student in Mrs. Maslowski's class in Illinois. This week she had her class pick any topic on the Black History Month Photo Challenge. The students had to pick a picture and write about why that person has influential for Black History Month. Andrea picked Rihanna as Influential Black Musician. She mentions that Rihanna inspires others with her good fame, as well as her accomplishments.

Hi Andrea,
I think Rihanna was a good choice for Black History Month. I love how she puts herself out there as a positive role model for others. Despite of her getting negative comments from fans across the world. She keeps her head on her shoulders and ignores them.

Blog Post #7

Coming into this class, I didn't expect that there would be a lot of technology going on. I believe that the more information I learn during this process becoming a teacher, the more I will start to understand the information provided. With the videos provided, this helped me knowledge more about why teachers are using technology in the classroom today. I will be able to use technology effectively in the classroom. With that, it can engage students more into the lesson that I will provide. iMovie, AVL, Padlet, and iPads are a great example of technology that is used to teach students different ways with Project Based Learning. In Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, I've learned that more kindergarteners use technology in the classrooms for education. After watching the video, it actually surprised me that the kindergarteners know more about technology than us college students. During the interview, Michelle mentions that the students would not stop editing their book trailer. It engages them to better their writing and reinforce their learning. It amazes me how the students learn so quickly with the use of technology using iPads and MacBooks. Alabama Virtual Library is another good way to engage students. It helps them learn how to do basic research. Elizabeth gave a good idea by giving the students a list of animals for them to look up. AVL is free to anyone and it will help students with the joy of researching. We All Become Learners talks more about Project Based Learning. Michelle stated that using the device of technology changes the dynamics of learning. Everybody becomes and learner and a teacher. Teachers are teaching students, students are teaching students, and students teaching us. Students are more readily than teachers. She also mentioned that her classroom is using Padlet to upload pictures. Michelle strongly recommends Personal Learning Network in classrooms today. Ipads in the Classroom was discussed with the Chicago Public School System. They believe that the benefits of the iPad excuse from really looking at teaching and learning. Using the iPads with the pictures provided, the students can zoom in, manipulate, and study it. In the video, one of the teachers stated that the use of technology takes the students on a virtual field trip. The school system thinks that using more technology will engage the students more, and it will actually make the classroom.

Top 10 Reasons to use Technology in Education

1. Students love it
2. Has 4 key component: active engagement, participating in groups, interacting and feedback, and connection to real world experts
3. Professional Development
4. Makes life easier for Teachers
5. Improves Test Scores
6. Helps students with Low Attention Spans
7. Learn from the Experts
8. Encourages Completion of Homework
9. Saves Money
10. Remove Obstacles

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Project #8 Book Trailer

Blog Post #6 all the videos provided with Anthony Capps has opened up my eyes even more about EDM 310. I'm glad Dr. Strange took the time out to interview with Anthony. Anthony's knowledge content with Problem Based Learning, he wanted his students to engage more fun in learning and providing students interest as well. It amazes me now that students learn a lot more than students back in the 90's, and also come home to their parents and explain to them about the topics/projects they generally learned that day in school. Dr. Strange videos provided different types of examples of what we actually need to do whenever we have our own classroom. I can see that there are many different ways to teach Project Based Learning, and it is an excellent way to engage students. Most projects won't turn out exactly how you want it, but it takes a lot of time and practice. It's always a good idea to have a back up plan as well. Whenever I was in third grade, we didn't have much engagement going on compared to classrooms in the 21st century. Anthony's projects are something that anyone can use in their classrooms. ICurio is also a good source he provided in the video. This can allow students to search safely for educational purposes and also has a storage capacity. Storage capacity can save what they've search and can come back to it and use it again. ICurio can help students start practicing how to organize their selves online. Ending this week 6 of assignments, I will definitely utilize the resources that we've already learned that are provided for us as future educators; as well as the upcoming assignments we are preparing for.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Project #3 Presentation

Blog Post #5

Personal Learning Network is a network that helps teachers and other people worldwide with different ideas to collaborate with others. Using the two PLN's that are provided have been interesting to use. I created both Symbaloo and Netvibes, and I personally like Symbaloo better. It keeps track with your personal and professional life. It is important to network with people that you can share your ideas with. I used Symbaloo to keep track with my social networks Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also, I added on different apps I use to keep myself organized with the variety of ways I can connect. My first addition to this site is Lifepulp. This site provides inspirational quotes to get you through the day in a positive way. Symballoo is an amazing site to stay organized with your favorite sites all in one. There are useful sites like Youtube, Tumblr, and Linkedin. As a teacher, there are all types of websites for us to network with one another that can provide resources for teaching.

Project #7 Part A

My Passion...

My Sentence...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog Post #4

"The reasons behind their questions often bowl me over with their sincerity, the fact that they really want to know the answers because its important to them, or they feel it would be important for others to know" (, 4th grade teacher, Chicago). With the sources provided, there are many ways how the questions are presented as well as the answers. We have to engage the students with attention to be able to retain knowledge. In Three Ways to Ask Better Questions in the Classroom, prepare questions, play with questions, and preserve good questions can help improve with the questions that we are asking our students. All of the articles presented expresses the right criteria of asking the right questions in the classroom. Using open ended question will also help students have higher level of thinking. The higher level of thinking will help them build the self-esteem of knowledge by answering the questions instead of saying yes or no. Before teaching, it is best to have certain questions prepared ahead of time. The effective questions have to be understandable for the student to be able to answer in the right way. Open ended questions should be utilized with different solutions to form the right questions by yielding more information.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Project #15 Search Engines


The search engine is quite different from the others. It is more private and anything you search for will be the first results found. I honestly did not like it as much cause it was to private for me.


The search engine was known as MSN until the name was changed. It helps support research by offering the different suggestions. It is most used for searching such as: celebrities, science, South America, and health. I tend to use this search engine to earn Bing points.


The search engine has higher content than others. It offers fewer results as well. I actually like this website because of the variety of information on education, how to, and beauty and lifestyle. I would really enjoy using it.


The search engine was the choice for most people until Google came along. The search tool had cross links that will be helpful. Search results are provided by Google and Yahoo. I honestly do not like this one since the information seems to differ.


The search engine is basically helpful for people who are beginners with the internet. I can say I use this website a lot with horoscopes, email, and news provided along with Yahoo.


This search engine provides examples with math, history, and data. It is actually the best way to find answers. I've never heard of this website until now, I will definitely use this for future references.


The search engine was actually named after Ask Jeeves. I use Ask to receive the questions and the answers that are helpful for any subject. This search engine is more competitive with the others today.


The search engine is a encyclopedia based site. This website should help people understand more about the computers around them. I can definitely use this site in the future to help with terms and resources.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Activity #4 C4T Mrs. Palmer

The summary for Mrs. Palmer's blog was letting the students understand the Common Core Standard. She wanted the students to break down each standard in groups to understand the deeper level of it. The students determined how the standard was broken down from the discussion questions being asked. After analyzing the content standards, the students put the feedback of information into a continuum rubric. The question being asked was "What am I supposed to be Learning?". The answer to that question is that we have to allow students to know their path and where they're going from there. It is important that they're learning other than just listening to the teacher talk.

Hi Mrs. Palmer, My name is Leslie Evans from Dr. Lomax’s EDM 310 class. I love how you let the students have hands on experience with the Common Core Standard. Using their own thoughts and explaining how to break the standard breaks down just from learning from you and the other teacher. This is a great blog post for the college students that are in process of becoming a teacher. It is also a good source for us and other people as well. Thank you for sharing this post with us!
With the 21st century, we have to make sure the students have knowledge of a clear idea. Mrs. Palmer explains about the use of the success criteria in lessons for the students. Helping them with learning on their own so they can have a clear idea about it. 

I agree with you on students should be able to have the clear idea about success. I love how you expressed the example of playing the game of basketball which students intend to do anything that they see that interests them. I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for sharing it with us!